Saturday, June 26, 2010

Recent Obsessions

For those that still make the trek to this website, despite my obvious negligence in posting, here are some things that have made me happy lately. I pass the knowledge on to you- go, be happy too.


"The Greatest" - Cat Power
"L.E.S. Artistes" - Santigold
(Neither of these songs was released recently, but I watched 17 Again (of all things) yesterday on HBO (free for 4 days- thanks AT&T U-verse!) and heard these songs and immediately downloaded. And side note- 17 Again is a really good movie.)
"We Are Born" - NEW entire album by Sia. I just love this woman.


The A Team - I know what you're going to say- "REALLY?". But if you like a good action flick and enjoy the sight of Bradley Cooper's abs, hit up the theater now.
Toy Story 3 - Seriously amazing. Pixar/Disney is genius. It ended perfectly and poignantly and I cried like a baby. It's so good, you forget it is an animated film. Just watch out for the creepy baby doll. You'll know what I mean.


"Water for Elephants" by Sara Gruen. It's about the circus and it was a great read. The last half is especially riveting.


iPhone 4- No, I haven't technically bought this yet (sorry, I don't camp out overnight or wait in a five hour long line for a phone I can buy a couple days later without a wait) but I already know it is going to change my life. That on top of all the rave reviews from people who already got one: color me SO EXCITED.

My Macbook- Yes, I am still counting the ways I love thee.

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