Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Those Were the Days...

Hello. I just watched another episode of "Lost" and am so confused, I thought I would write a blog post about something completely opposite so my head doesn't explode.

I went to my college town this past weekend for the first time since October and walked around campus for probably the first time since I graduated in 2006. Every time I go back, it's like a flashback to all those amazing college experiences I accumulated over 4 years. As dumb as it sounds, every street reminds me of something, and stupid things like a sign for the "Pie R Squared" cafe triggers memories I haven't thought about in forever. I am making it sound like I have been out of college for 50 years, I know. But hey, time flies when you go to the same job day in and day out. I am creeping up on 4 years of post-graduate status and I already look back on college as this distant and perfect arrangement that I totally took for granted. I mean, I went to class MAYBE for 3 to 5 hours a day tops, and I slept in when I wanted, took naps when I wanted, ate when I wanted, studied when I wanted, went out when I wanted, talked to who I wanted, acted like an idiot when I wanted... Yes, yes, I am an adult and can do all of those things now, but can I do them without the responsibility of maintaining a 40 hour a week job? Or without the pressure of having to make rent or save money for my future? Or without worrying that I am never going to have a real career? No. College is important. You're getting an education that dictates the path you will take. But it is also the last simple, irresponsible 4 years of your life. Wow, that sentence sounded so final and depressing. Don't get me wrong, I am incredibly happy with my life and have a great time. But college. You were over in a flash. Before I even realized how awesome and easy you were.


Time to go to bed at 10 PM so I am not a walking zombie for my full-time job in the morning.

To end on a high note, I have joined the crazies. Follow me on twitter if you like: @sheridanrenee.

Friday, February 5, 2010


LOST. I love it. Am obsessed. The final season just began on Tuesday night and the inner nerd in me has sprung to the occassion. It's fun to get caught up in the craziness. If you are a fan, you might find these youtube finds interesting. If not, you should go netflix seasons 1-5 now, watch, and get back to me.

This one is cool for putting together the events of the day of the plane crash, as they unfolded over 5 seasons of flashbacks, etc.

If you watched the Season 6 premiere, you will appreciate this one.

Sorry. Done with that. For now.