Wednesday, July 8, 2009

"Dreams Be Dreams"

I had a crazy dream last night that I actually remembered.

I went to a Sheryl Crow and Jack Johnson concert on the lawn outside of my friend's house (of course). I was the only one that showed up, along with my Dad. After they had performed, they came and talked to us personally and thanked us for coming. They lamented how hard it is to get people to come see their shows. I assured them I loved their music and then secured my fan status by reciting my favorite Jack & Sheryl songs. At this point Jack nudged Sheryl and gave her that "you thinking what I'm thinking" look and they announced that they wanted me to work for them, traveling on their tour and handling all their shows, etc. I of course accepted on the spot, and then hugged Sheryl. Jack asked me to get off his wife (although I am pretty sure they are not married in real life) and we all had a good laugh.

Please translate.

1 comment:

  1. I'm pretty sure it means you're destined to be famous by association and you should always attend all concerts just in case.
