Wednesday, September 9, 2009


*Today is 09-09-09. I feel like I should be doing something special. ...

*Random thought of the day. I love DVR. I can record beloved movies and TV shows and watch them whenever I please. Herein lies the new troubling condition I have developed: I keep episodes of shows or movies I have already watched on there so long, that now I can't bring myself to delete them because what if maybe, just maybe, someday I will want to watch them again? And if I delete them, won't I be mad someday when the only thing I want to do is watch them and they AREN'T THERE? So I keep them all and then eventually my DVR memory starts filling up and I have to make difficult, heart wrenching deleting decisions just so I can record more crap on TV. It is the new technologically advanced version of packrat-ism and hoarding. Here is the worst part: the movies I currently can't bear to part with? Au Pair and Labor Pains. Yes folks, THIS is the painstaking decision to delete I cannot make.

*Saw "All About Steve" on Monday. O. M. G. HORRIBLE. Least funny movie I have seen since "Ghosts of Girlfriends Past". The only funny parts were most likely not meant to be funny. Towards the end, it got so ridiculously cheesy and stupid, my friends and I couldn't help but mock the crap out of it. I didn't like one single character in the movie. They were either completely vapid and unlikeable, or they were spastic and bizarre and sad to watch and generally unbelievable as humans. Don't waste your money.

*Self realization #1,256: I don't like meatballs.

*Some people are nuts. Others are judgmental. Some are both nuts and judgmental. Avoid these people. Really, they should be required to wear signs. Especially the ones that lie dormant for 3+ years and then suddenly attack you with their "high-and-mighty-I'm-better-than-you" crazy. I'd respect them more if I knew upfront- you know, like "Well, I DID see their sign, I had my warning....guess I can't be too upset now..."

*I just ate like an entire slab of jalapeno cheese. Regret in

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