Thursday, September 17, 2009

Happy Get Out of My Cubicle and Stop Sending Me Emails Day!

I would like to dedicate this day to the hardworking, underpaid, hardly appreciated employees out there that suffer continuously from the micromanaging, controlling, "I'm better than you" complex driven individuals that push us to the brink of insanity on a daily basis. You know, your bosses. Today is for anyone who has ever said "Hey, my boss is kind of annoying." or "No ma'am, I have not had a chance to do that yet because you just sent me the email 5 seconds ago and it is not the only thing I have to do today and emailing me 5 more times in rapid succession does not make me work any faster." or "Please, don't set that guy on fire. It's not funny. But rather quite illegal." (No seriously. This really happened to someone I know.)

I apologize if you are a boss and feel that I am giving bosses everywhere a bad name. I am sure YOU are the perfect boss and your employees love you and everything you do. Yes, I am quite sure of it.

But if you are treated at times as a lowly underling like me, then you must know exactly where I am coming from. Unless you are employed by one of the perfect bosses mentioned above. In which case, I spit on you. Not really. Hire me?

I shant say another word, lest I be persecuted for my insubordination. But just know, my fellow cubicle inhabitants, this day's for you, and there is someone else out there, somewhere, wishing they too could chunk their stapler at people's heads. Underlings Unite.

1 comment:

  1. You know I'm on board with this! Sometimes I think that bosses forget what it was like to be a peon. I hope to be the boss someday. When it happens, I'll let you know. :)
