Thursday, December 3, 2009

Strike 2, Immune System.

I got strep. Again. Second time this year. Second time in 8 month span. I hate you, body. Fortunetly, this case was not as bad as the last- as in I did not feel like I was knocking on death's door. I think I caught it early enough to avoid the most painful and dramatic parts, thankfully. I mean seriously, I can pretty much diagnose myself now. Who needs a doctor and a $20 copay? Oh right, I do, because I can't write my own prescriptions. Maybe when some of my friends become doctors I can abuse that relationship and bribe a prescription out of them when I know I have it. Probably not. And now that the sore throat is pretty much gone, I am left with this hacking gagging awful sounding cough that I am pretty sure inspires paranoia in my coworkers, considering one literally just threw a cough drop at me and sprayed lysol into the air. On the bright side, I only had to use one vacation day from work this time, regardless of whether I should have stayed away longer, so yay medicine. See you again in 6 months, old friend.

In other news, you should go see "The Blind Side" with Sandra Bullock. If it doesn't make you smile, vow to be a better person & never take your life for granted, then your heart is made of stone. K- you probably shouldn't bother, as this is based on a true story.

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