Friday, June 12, 2009

Strep Throat of Doom

I loathe strep throat. I get it anytime I am exposed to it. And sure enough, I got it this week. I have been locked up in my house on the couch, watching reruns of House Hunters and Property Virgins on HGTV (wow, showing my age a bit) and wallowing in self pity. I don't know if this happens to anyone else, but whenever I get sick and I am at that full-blown illness stage, I convince myself "you better get used to this" because OBVIOUSLY I will never recover- I am too far gone. Seconds from death. I will have to quit my job, move in with my parents, lose all my friends, and become a dependant sloth of a person, under the constant care of my mother for life until she gives up and enters me into a nursing home facility. Just as my illness-induced paranoia was coming to fruition, the doctor gave me a magical shot of medicine in my left hiney cheek and I started to see the hope of possible recovery. Seriously, if you ever get Strep, ask for the shot. It stings for like 30 seconds going in, but I felt almost 100% better in under 24 hours. So much more than I can say for the last time I got strep (about a year ago) and the doc put me on the oral medication. I was out for a good 5 days that time. Now fully recovered, I have completely disinfected the house: changed the sheets, threw out my toothbrush, sterilized my water bottles, the works. I have also vowed to take a vitamin c pill daily- you know, try to beef up that immune system so maybe, just maybe, I can fend this off if exposed again (which inevitably I will be). Not to let my pessimistic side show, but I am pretty sure any extra efforts will be in vain as I am apparently at the mercy of this particular virus. And I am sure one year from now, you will probably be reading another blog post about how I almost "died" from Strep.


  1. Ha ha ha ha, melodramatic much? But strep throat is very miserable.

  2. I cannot seem to convince either my doctor or my son's pediatrician to dole out the shots anymore...dang I miss those shots, they worked so well!

  3. I pointed out to my doctor that swallowing big horse pills twice a day for the next ten days wasn't a pleasant prospect seeing as how I had a SORE THROAT. He agreed and gave me the needle.

  4. you are such a drama queen. i love you. you should write a book.
