Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Return of the Missing Blogger!

Kind of sort of got caught up with my busy busy life and coincidentally shirked my blogging responsibilities.

That is actually a lie, and not a very good one. My lack of blogging can be summed up in one word: lazy. Sure, I have a life and I do stuff and I get busy. But I also spend countless hours staring at the black box I call a TV, leaving plenty of time and muscle to type words on a screen. And yet I can't quite seem to muster the motivation it takes to flip open my beautiful macbook and put to print the running commentary in my brain. It is too much work apparently.

Well put your worries to rest, I'm back. At least for today. While I am at work. And we are slow. And I don't have the promise of something fun on my DVR to distract me. SO LAZY. (And I know you missed me so much, one person who accidentally ended up on this website while googling something about food. [Hey, I like food too!])

And now,

back by popular demand: LIST OF RANDOMNESS!

* Lindsay Lohan sues E-Trade for $100 million. Honestly, I hardly have words for how dumb this is. Wait... yes I do: Like I am supposed to believe that Lindsay Lohan is emotionally scarred and deserving of $100 million in damages for a stupid commercial that uses her FIRST name only in jest? "Lindsays" of the world unite: there is a class action lawsuit in here somewhere: if you look real real hard and, oh yeah, bastardize the American legal system. Another example of bratty celebrities with inflated egos and unrealistic senses of entitlement grasping at straws in an attempt to cling to their (most likely) undeserving fame and fortune. I hate celebutards.

* The Rodeo is fun. I dressed up like a Cowgirl to go today. Boots and all (boots, I might add, that I got for $30; originally $130. BOO-YAH. AND I got to cross something off my list of 101 in 1001, so double score.)

* Anyone been watching American Idol? I am kind of disappointed coming off of last year's trifecta of brilliance that was Kris Allen, Adam Lambert and Allison Iraheta (Danny Gokey who?). But I think I am being a little harsh and judgy. Currently I favor: Crystal Bowersocks, Didi Benami, Katelyn Epperly, Siobahn Magnus, Lilly Scott, Andrew Garcia, Lee Dawyze, and stage-fright plagued mullet boy whose name escapes me. The rest I can kind of do without.

* I really want to try going a week without my cell phone. Sometimes I feel like it distracts me from life. What with the facebook updates, twitter temptations, emails, texts, phone calls, GAH. I wonder what that week would be like. It seems.... freeing. But also, very hard to stay in touch. Dilemma.

* I just love my mom. She is hilarious. A continued source of humor whether she means to be or not. Actual phone conversation last night after she insisted on installing her dvr box herself (I just convinced my parents that they needed dvr in their life so they could STOP RECORDING ON VHS TAPES. It may have been too much technology too fast. Remains to be seen.):
-Mom: I can't find the guide now! The dvr deleted my guide!
-Me: You should still have a guide. You need to call comcast again if it isn't coming up.
...(brief interim as she calls comcast)
-Mom: OK, I got the guide back. Now how do I record things?
-Me: Easy. Find what show you want to record on the guide, hilight it, press the record button on the remote and then follow the instructions that pop up- you can either record the series every time it comes on, only at certain times, or only this one time. You can also tell it how long to keep it on the dvr.
-Mom: Wait, what??
-Me: (explains again, slower)
-Mom: OK, it says it is recording. Now how do I watch it?
-Me: Go to "my dvr" and find it and press play. Try it now.
-Mom: But it isn't done recording yet!
-Me: Doesn't matter. You can still start watching from your recording. It will start at the beginning when you hit play. Then you can fast forward thru commercials until you hit live TV.
-Mom: WHAT??? You can fast forward? (she tests it and sure enough...) This is so cool!
-Me: Yes! Isn't it?
-Mom: OK, well I have to go. Dad and I are going to dinner and we want to get back in time so we don't miss the start of his show at 7.
-Me: MOM! That is the whole point of dvr!! RECORD the show and then no matter when you get home you can watch from the beginning!
-Mom: What if I get home at 7:05? Won't I miss the first 5 minutes?
-Me: NO. It records the entire episode and saves it forever until you delete it! You can watch it whenever! AND BONUS: you can fast forward thru the commercials if you come in on it late!
-Mom: What about if I come home at 7:45?
-Me: O. M. G.

Best phone conversation to date.


  1. Oh, Mom. HAHAHAHA. She is so awesome.

  2. I thank my lucky stars that one of my sisters is closer to my parents and is able to go over there and show them stuff so i don't have to.
