Thursday, June 18, 2009

Spontaneity Anyone?

Good Spontaneity.
My life-long friend called me Monday and surprised me with the news that she was going to Hawaii at the end of July....and wanted me to come! Normally, the logical, number-crunching side of my brain would say "I just can't - I don't have the money." But I allowed my elusive spontaneous side to take over and I AM GOING TO HAWAII in a little over a month! FOR A WEEK!! And only paying $75 TOTAL to stay, plus flight & food of course. I could not be more excited, not to mention proud that I am just going for it- you know, taking life by the... well, being exciting for once. Yay me!

Bad Spontaneity.
I woke up yesterday morning - early mind you, so I would actually do my hair and make-up properly - only to discover my water had been turned off- AGAIN. No shower for me. The apartment has been "fixing a series of leaks" for a week now, and frankly if they shut off my water one more time, they might be dealing with more than just a leak. Enter: enraged woman who can't shower when she wants. Who decided 7 AM would be a good time to shut off apartment water? Did no one consider that most people are up trying to get ready for work at that hour? As if that wasn't irritating enough, I got home that same day to discover my AC had broken. In 100 degree weather. So I call maintenance to get this repaired, and encounter the least helpful & most argumentative customer service representative known to man. Our conversation:

Me: Hi, I live in #2415 and my AC is broken- how quickly can you get someone out here?

CSR: #2415- Emily?

Me: Huh?

CSR: Your name is Emily?

Me: Oh, no. My name is Sheridan.

CSR: Did you just move there?

Me: In March...

CSR: Hmmm. That is weird.

Me: So...about my AC- can you get someone out here?

CSR: How do you spell your name?

Me: S-H-E-R-I-D-A-N


Me: No, S-H-E-R-I-D-A-N

CSR: That's what I SAID. Phone number?

Me: (gave her #- you don't get that)

CSR: OK, thank you. Need anything else?

Me: Yes, do you know when they will come? It is really really hot in here.

CSR: No.

Me: Well, will they call before they come?

CSR: Ma'am I am just taking the message for them, I don't know.

Me: OK, thanks?

About 2 hours later, maintenance is still a no show so I decide to check. I call again and get a different lady. She informs me that they do not make AC calls after sun down and they will be there first thing in the AM. I guess it would have been too difficult for the 1st woman to tell me that, lest I actually know what was going on.

1 comment:

  1. I'm proud of you for going to Hawaii! I spent YEARS passing up opportunities and experiences because I didn't have the money. It's my biggest regret so now I will do just about anything. It's fun!

    About the whole apartment thing, on behalf of property managers everywhere, I'm sorry. It sounds like you got their answering service, which sucks. And all I can guess is that they don't do a/c calls before sundown because the units are on the roof and it's a million degrees up there. Still, that's pretty freakin' stupid. Next time you call, say you want the manager and give her your service request directly. She'll hate you for it, but you'll get your a/c fixed!
