Friday, March 13, 2009

Movin' On Up

Well, tomorrow is the big day. I am finally moving into a one bedroom of my very own. I have never lived alone. I went from Mom, Dad and sister, to just Mom and Dad, to college with a slew of random roommates, to the city with my current roommate. I am excited, nervous, and a little nostalgic at the same time. But mostly, I am just ready to be done packing and moving. I may have to live in this apartment until I die, because I am pretty sure my will to move is running thin. I can't imagine having to move EVER AGAIN. But I do not want to die alone as an old cat lady, so here's hoping I move at least ONE more time, into a house someday with a husband. Please.


  1. Aww, just wait to move until you can hire movers or you land a cushy job who will pay to move you...that's the best way to move.

    Also, I loved living alone. Pajamas right after work? Check. TV on what I want to watch all the time? Check. Eat what I want without having to accomodate another person? Check. Not worried when I left dirty dishes or dirty clothes out? Check. Bathroom always available? Check.

    I have to stop thinking about this or I may move out of my house just to live alone again.

  2. Ok well ditto to everything Kristine said. Living alone is my greatest indulgence. I also hope to have a husband of my very own one day, but until then I will have dirty dishes and the whole couch to myself.
