Tuesday, March 3, 2009

You Can't Return Perfume!!

It is my belief that people are about 95% oblivious to the things happening around them at all times. Don't hold me to that exact percentage- I haven't performed any scientific studies, but based on my visual findings over the years and my trip to Ulta today, I am fairly certain this percentage is pretty darn close.

So I am waiting in what seems like the longest line ever known at Ulta (there was a run on Biolage products, the brand of shampoo and conditioner I use- Buy 2 get 2 free!!! Quick- run to your nearest Ulta!). At first I didn't notice the offending party at the register because the women in front of me were having a particularly funny conversation about last night's episode of the Bachelor and how they would have slapped and/or physically assaulted him for his transgressions {!!SPOILER ALERT!!} (SIDE NOTE- can you BELIEVE he dumped Melissa, that poor sweet girl, on national television, 6 weeks after proposing to her? What's that you say? They signed up for their own public humiliation and loss of dignity? Still- it had to be done on TV? BURN. And pretty heartless.) Anyway, 5 minutes passes and the line hasn't budged. This is when I notice "I didn't bring my receipt but you OWE me because I am special and deserve a refund anyway, even though you have clearly stated repeatedly that there are no returns on perfume without receipts" woman. As the line grows and grows, she calls the manager over to explain this policy to her in perhaps different [note: the SAME] words that she can better understand. Ten minutes later, the manager seemed to have lost all hope of convincing this woman anything, and kindly let her return it. Then she stood there for another 5 minutes being slow about everything & asking a million asinine questions. At this point there were at least 10 people behind me. Now I will say Ulta should have had more people running the registers & perhaps a less stringent policy on perfume returns, but good grief woman! Be aware! At least make an effort to move it along! Some of us only have 1 hour for lunch and no time for your lollygagging.


  1. I fixed your comments, yo. Quit breaking them.

    I don't understand stores that are willing to break their policies because of some annoying customer. A policy is a POLICY for a reason, people!!

  2. Ooooh, maybe there will be public humiliation via http://notalwaysright.com/ This is why I never was able to work retail. In fact the people who were all "come on no one will know if you gave me a free refill" at the movies were too much for me.

  3. Ahh this reminds me of the time I was behind a woman at Kohls who took all 18 items out of her cart and got a price check on EACH one before deciding to actually purchase it. She also questioned the price of every item after the cashier checked it.

    THEN after finally choosing the items she actually wanted to buy, she went to pay with her credit card and the cashier had to show her how to swipe it through the little do-it-yourself machine on the counter. Then the cashier pushed the 'ok' button for her and the woman said "oh, did I need to do that with my own fingerprint?" no. no you didn't. we aren't quite THAT technologically advanced here at Kohls...


  4. OMG, that is hilarious Allison. I think I would have flung my shoe at her.

  5. As someone who works in customer service, I can kinda see both sides of it. While you want to adhere to your company's policies, sometimes it is just not worth the fight.

    Unfortunately, there are a lot of people out there who will WEAR YOU DOWN UNTIL YOU HAVE LOST THE WILL TO LIVE. I manage an apartment community where I am convinced those people have created a commune.
