Monday, March 2, 2009

Barefoot Jimmy

So my friend M was telling me a story this weekend about his trip up to his old college town for a reunion with people that lived in his dorm. Apparently, there was one guy there who went by the name Barefoot Jimmy. Why Barefoot Jimmy you ask? Here was our conversation. I apologize if it isn't as funny in print as it was in person.

M: So I got to see Barefoot Jimmy this weekend.

Me: Who is Barefoot Jimmy? What is a Barefoot Jimmy?

M: Oh well you know how some people are really really smart so God has to balance it out by making them a little weird and socially awkward? That's Barefoot Jimmy. Barefoot Jimmy has not worn shoes in 10 years.

Me: [Incredulous look of horror] I'm sorry WHAT?

M: Yeah, he never wears shoes, no matter where he goes.

Me: [Blank stare] That is disgusting! Tell me more about Barefoot Jimmy.

M: Well, Barefoot Jimmy is just a little weird. He used to sit outside when it was freezing cold in only shorts and a short-sleeved shirt. He told me once that he was able to control his body temperature with his mind.

Someday, I want to meet Barefoot Jimmy.


  1. how VERY fascinating! controlling your body temp with your mind! not sure if I buy it...

  2. I wish I could control MY body temperature with my mind!! But not if it meant I couldn't wear shoes out in public. That is nasty.

  3. does he have a job? I can just see going to work without shoes on...wouldn't work for very long...

    those have to be some beat up feet!

  4. I'm wondering how he gets by the "no shirt, no shoes, no service" policy or does he just not eat out? I would die. Probably of starvation. Or at least from Lack of fajitas.

  5. He must have some SERIOUS Grocery Store Feet. ew.
